Thursday 14 January 2016

Question 3 of Evaluation

3. what have you learned from your audience feed

We chose our target audience for our short film 'Alien' to be males and females aged between 15-25, as we felt as it we could relate to that audience the most, being around the age ourselves.
Our film was mostly male based as the two main character were males, but we did have actors who are females too.


Audience Feedback

I think that my group were really good at making sure we got audience feed back, within the first week of thinking of ideas and genres of what film we wanted to do we quickly got audience feedback of what names our friends thought were best for our short film. We would get a camera and tripod and film peoples thoughts of what they thought was best

Different feedback ways

Facebook - this was particularly helpful for gaining feedback as the majority of our target audience will use this everyday, We would message our group chat to discuss different ideas of how to make our work better. We would ask people in a group chat to give us feedback in order for us to improve our work.

Texting - Texting is one of the easiest ways of gaining feedback because everyone always has their phones with them and sending a message is easy to do. Our target audience would also all have a phone so that is beneficial. We also used this for organisation of when to film.

Blogger - Blogger was used for our audience feedback for what to write on our posters, for when we did our protest scene; we made a audience feedback survey and ask all our friends and family to take part in it. The survey was really simple to make and easy to put on our blog, we got a lot of feedback and from that we decided what to write on our posters.  

Has our audience feedback on the film been effective/helpful?

Yes I do think our audience feedback has been helpful, but I do think we should've got a more in-depth feedback, it is hard to try and get people to give you audience feedback without giving one word answers. Audience feedback has been effective on our film as it helped us decide on what title to use and what to write on our posters. Getting audience feedback is really helpful in the fact that you get honest options from people; getting honest options gives you the truth of what is good and what isn't, this can also make you confident that you acknowledging and improving your short film best to its ability.

Audience feedback hasn't only just given feedback on little ideas, but we actually got feedback on which footage we should use in our film.
We had two clips of Kazmir (Theo Moore) packing his bag to get ready for the protest in Brighton, we couldn't decide on which footage we should use, therefore we filmed a big group of people all at once watching both of the clips and asked them which one they preferred and the reason behind that. This was a good example of audience feedback as we got a lot of people to do this all at once rather than taking a long time asking individually, which would've been time consuming. After reviewing the audience feedback of this we chose the clip which people liked the most, getting audience feedback is really helpful because you do get honest options back without being criticizing or rude. This piece of audience feedback was very important because it was about footage of our short film.

We have definitely improved on audience feedback from last year, we didn't really do much last year and this meant we didn't have much to say in our evaluation, this year we made sure we had a lot and during the whole filming process we were always thinking of different ways of doing audience feedback. I'm very glad we didn't leave it to the last minute otherwise it would've been rushed.

One thing which we didn't get audience feedback on which I wished we did, was on the poster on the poster. We found the poster very difficult to create on Photoshop and very time consuming. We were a little behind on it and without thinking we never asked anyone for audience feedback on it and just went with the poster we thought was better. We should've asked for audience feedback because it would've been a perfect example of audience feedback and just to know what peoples opinions were on the poster. Something to improve on for next time would to be to do audience feedback on the posters.  


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