Tuesday 5 January 2016

Question 4 of Evalutation - Naomi


  1. The structure is good here Naomi. Don't forget all of the technologies used in the film production - especially camera technology. Also, some of the descriptions are really just that - descriptions - try to be more precise about particular elements of the technology that you used well or not. For example - on editing, you need to break this down to more detail of techniques that enabled you to produce the film. More comments needed on weaknesses - these your weaknesses with the technology as well as perhaps some with the technology itself. Any problems you had, or less successful outcomes should be precisely referred to. Aim for more branches to your points in the prezi, and more moving image and illustrations from your own work.

  2. Naomi - this is the only question you have answered for the evaluation? You currently stand to lose 3/4 of marks for the evaluation and neither of you have posted the final review either. I am extremely disappointed by this. You will both need to speak to me immediately on Monday. A cause for concern will be posted to etrackr.
