In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Mise En Scene used within the real media films is minimalistic, everything in the shots are there for a reason. As short films typically have low budgets, its unlikely they will have lots of expensive set and props, makeup designs and other elements of mine en scene for example in ‘Just Say Hi’. In this short they have one simple public location, a bus stop and simply change costume to show passing of time. Facial expression and body language also play a key role in the mise en scene of a real short film, due to the typical low budget many shorts rely on the actors to create realism and to try convey their messages and values. The 180 degree rule is used within short films including one or more character, again for example in ‘Just Say Hi'. This creates continuity and flow within the short film. We spent a long time working on out mise en scene, each costume, decor, facial expression, lighting etc was carefully directed and planned and we are extremely happy with how it came out. From the very first shots of each of the characters rooms, you can see the england flag and other subtle hints of the story is Kasimirs room where as James is reading a newspaper with the famous cover of The Independent ‘Somebodys Child’ article with the heartbreaking image of the Syrian child washed up on a beach. This was to convey the meaning of our short and convey our a typical convention of shorts. We used the 180 degree rule with the conversation between Kasimir and his mother, we also used eye-line match with Kasimir throughout further following the conventions of shorts.
The short films we researched commonly used Levi Strauss’ Theory of binary oppositions. They tended to use the binary opposite convention of good v bad, such as in ‘Blind Luck’. With our short film we conformed to this, using good vs bad. James representing good, an army man and Kasimir representing bad, essentially an ignorant racist.
Todorov's theory is sometimes followed but more commonly subverted make a more creative short film. Typically they follow the first equilibrium along with a disruption however from there onwards the ending seems to differ with each short film. For example with The Black Hole theres a disruption, recognition but no attempt to fix the disruption and therefore no new equilibrium.
Our story can conform to Todorov’s Theory as we intended it to;
Equilibrium - Kasimir and James breakfast routines.
Disruption - Kasimir protest, insults james.
Recognition - James see’s the graffiti.
Repairing the damage - Kasimir talks to his mum regrets his decision.
New equilibrium - James laughs, we see expensive car, he continues with his life.
We did this based on our own research in which we realised that short film directors usually attempt to convey current themes and issues in their short.
Short Film Poster
There are many conventions used within film posters in terms of both content and layout.
When researching film posters, such as ‘Romeo + Juliet' and ‘This Is England’, I discovered the title of the film, is the most feature of a film poster. It is almost always, the largest text on the poster, stands out and is eye-catching. In both ‘Romeo + Juliet' and ‘This Is England’ they have used a bold font, in a bright colour that contrasts to the background which they are placed on.
We conformed to this convention with our own poster, making is a white font, with a subtle black shadow to make it eye-catching and stand out from the background on which its placed. It is important that the title draws the eyes of potential audience members so they are intrigued.
The second convention we found on the majority of film posters is the name of the actors. The actors names nearly always are shown on a film poster, this is especially true when the actor or actress is considered well-known. For example ‘I Am Legend’ shows Will Smith’s name at the top in large font. With our short film poster we did chose to have the name of the two main actors however we subverted this convention of large actors names as they were in a smaller font and in the top left corner making them less prominent as the actors we used were in this case, not considered well-known. This technique, known as using star power, attracts audiences based on their knowledge or like of this particular actor or actress.
Another typical convention used in film posters is that a large image of the protagonist/protagonists will appear on the short film poster. Usually being the main feature within the poster. As demonstrated in ‘I Am Legend’ and ‘Kidulthood’. The photograph of the protagonists is the most important section with everything else surrounding it in some way without distracting away from it. With our short film poster, we chose to have a close up of Kasimir our main character as the poster image. Again typical of film posters, as most will use a medium close up or close up at a mid angle. The actors names conventionally go with the image to help the potential audience in understanding which character is which actor. An example of this is ‘Romeo + Juliet’.
Within the film posters I have researched, a tagline is used in all for example “before adulthood comes..” on the ‘Kidulthood’ poster. The tagline typically is either a line from the short film or has gives context/meaning about the narrative or plot. As this is reveals some information of the film, it detracts from the enigma of the film poster intriguing audiences. We chose to subvert this by not including a tagline, we thought the poster looked more aesthetically pleasing without a tagline and that the audience would be more intrigued by our poster without a tagline.
A billing block is always used, whether it be in a feature film poster or short film poster. From our research its evident that although the billing block is always used, it always appears as subtle as possible. The billing block is usually placed at the bottom of the poster to assure it does not take away from the more relevant features for example the photograph and titling. It is also shown in an indistinct colouring and font, yet not deviating from the colour theme in the poster, as conveyed in ‘I Am Legend' with the billing block still being white. Below or next to the billing block could possibly be a website link for more information about the film. We conveyed to this by choosing to have a subtle, white small billing block at the bottom of our poster with a website link below this.
Our short film review was in the 'house style' of the Little White Lies magazine. As well as writing the review itself, we also attempted to relate our review as much as possible to one from Little White Lies magazine. In order to do this we had to look at the language, content and layout conventions and who reads the magazine.
Little White Lies is a bi-monthly magazine including film reviews, news on up-coming films, articles about films and actors/actresses. The target audience of Little White Lies, is people interested in film, who usually male and aged 25-35. This differs from our target audience, therefore we had to ensure our article appealed to both target audiences. As Little White Lies main readers are film fanatics they would most likely be interested in our review, as well as this we emphasised the focus our short film had on current events such as the refugees crisis as typically people aged 25-35 are interested in current events. Furthermore we ensured our picture was of our male character therefore attracting typically males in relation to Uses and Gratifications theory. (being able to recognise the product or person in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to yours, aspiration to be someone else.)
To start with we looked at the language and found that language conventions used within a typical Little White Lies Review are metaphors used to make the review more informal, perhaps also used to subtly reveal something about the plot without spoiling the entire film, though. Context used to give the reader more information about the film, adding to the humour and pleasure of the review. Puns again used to create humour and amusement. Complex nouns used to refer to people, places or objects within the film or sometimes out of the film, giving context to the reader. Quotes typically from the film, or again sometimes, from outside the film to provide context. It is also likely that quotes could be of other's reviews of the film. Restricted code in language used assuming knowledge from the reader, as well as giving the review a more formal and knowledgable impression. The main body of the review is strengths and weaknesses, this is typically paired with intensifiers such as adjectives or adverbs, this technique is used to give as much in-depth reviewing of the film to the reader as possible. We followed these conventions is our writing of the review, the attempt to give a similarly amusing, knowledgable, comparative review of the film.
The font size depends on the length of the review. The review is spread through the entire width of the column. New paragraphs are created through use of an indent at the beginning of the next line. The writers name Aparajita bold. Below the last half of the reviews text is a rating system separated into three rows - ‘Anticipation', 'Enjoyment' and 'In Retrospect' all in Aparajita bold. Following these words are comments by the writer about how they rated the film in each these sub-sections. This is all done in Aparajita italics. Beside the comments to the right in Century Gothic bold is a number rating the sub-sections between 1 and 5. For our own review we followed each of these exact measurements and the entire layout to ensure ours was following all the conventions.