The opening title of the film “About A Girl” uses a font and typeface that audiences associate with younger generations and modern technology of text messaging. The non-diegetic sound of buttons being pressed on a telephone reinforce this. This gives an indication of the film’s target audience, as well as who the protagonist is, who we quickly find out in the opening shot is a young female.

The fact that her white coat is always zipped up to the top could be a denotation of the cold, harsh weather. Conversely, in retrospect, it could represent how she physically kept her pregnancy a secret from her mother – by wearing an oversized jacket. It is clear that it is not a designer brand and looks worn, as it is no longer a bright white but tinged with dirt. This underpins the idea that she is from a working-class social background, as her parents are unable to provide new or clean clothes because of a low financial income. “About A Girl” uses cutaways to other action and uses them as a form of flashback. This is not immediately clear to the audience because the girl is wearing the same white coat in the flashbacks. These flashbacks, however, are used effectively to reinforce what is being said in the present as opposed to a separate backstory.
The girl’s mother is seen scratching a scratch card. The connotation of this is immediate gratification, which is the idea that they hope to win some money in that moment and escape the cycle of poverty. A recurring theme here is hope, as both the mother and daughter hope to escape their current lives and dream for something bigger and better. In this shot, the girl is still in the forefront but out of focus. This suggests that she is still the main character in the limelight of the narrative but her mother is a significant addition to the narrative portraying how they live.
As the narrative develops, the cuts become more frequent and the camera begins to shake more. This technical code reflects the narrative, as we delve deeper into the girl’s life and it becomes more and more unhinged, unbalanced and distorted. This not only anchors the story being told but also disorientates the audience because they are lead to assume that a revelation, very significant to the plot, is on the horizon.
As the girl walks along the canal, it looks more and more isolated. Her storytelling also takes a turn, from the not-so-great everyday life to the not-too-subtle hints about domestic violence and poverty. This marks a turning point in the narrative, as something very big is about to be revealed.

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